Welcome to Clean The Dot House! This app will help you manage your house chores for your entire family.
You can create/assign/approve/reject as many chores as your want to all the members of your family.
We are currently in early beta testing. Please feel free to join us and create a free account.
For more information on how this works, see the
help page.
To begin, someone who is planning on being in charge of the chores should
and once verified and logged in, click the Manage Family button. From there you can create your family.
you have done that, you can add members to your family. It's that simple.
The site works on your other devices too. Try it on your phone or tablet browser and you will see how
it is. I have built it with a VERY basic design, because I am a coder, not a designer lol. I will be
getting a
new design in the future if there is enough interest.
Please remember that this is in very early beta. I know there are some things I have to fix or redesign.
be patient. If you have any questions, please
contact me.
To date, we have helped families complete 1216 chores!